Dedication of Second Central American Solar Village
at San Francisco, Lempira, Honduras

This is a duplication of the first successful solar village in San Ramon, Honduras.

Click on images for larger rendition, underscores branch to more documentation in same series.

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Photo Documentation of Visitors

A wholy affable affair with a relaxed and festive atmosphere.

A glimps of the San Francisco People

A few hotographs of the many beneficiaries from this important project.

Photos of the Speakers at podium

Photo documention shows a respectful and attentive reception from all in attendance.

Man of the hour - some more photos

The whole day seemed to revolve around one of Hondura's most popular Presidents.

The actual dedication ceramony

The Present along with Priest and top officials endorse special plague.

Click here for an ongoing San Francisco Lempira project

Freely wrtie to us * here *

All images ©1997, 2000 Zack Clark